How Popular is Internet Rehab?

It’s no surprise that COVID-19 has changed the way we live, work, and interact as a society.  With the pandemic, many people have found themselves more frequently in isolation. Often, isolation and loneliness can have a direct impact on a person’s tried and true attempts at staying sober and can lead to a new addiction, continued addiction or relapse. With the unprecedented events of 2020 and COVID-19, however, the need for addiction treatment and mental health support is outweighing the stigma and many are now opening up about their experiences. The pandemic has given rise to an increase in addiction across the board.  

Internet rehab has allowed that connection and bonding to thrive again.  We are no longer cut off from society because of a pandemic.  We have “outsmarted” the system and thought of a new and innovative way to stay connected with people. And, For people who have anxiety in new spaces or feel more expressive over text, this may be a more appealing option even without a pandemic.  Speaking to online therapy as a whole, according to, “an overwhelming 91% of people currently in online therapy agree that more people should try it, a ringing endorsement that no doubt clears the runway for online therapy’s continued success.”

When you ask a patient in recovery what are some of the things that held you back from seeking recovery initially, a lot of resounding answers include shame, stigma, and embarrassment of asking for help.  Telehealth removes those barriers – offering easier, confidential access to treatment. What makes telehealth addiction treatment programs so popular? The draw towards autonomy and privacy – if you don’t want anyone to know you are in recovery, they don’t have to know.  While virtual group therapy is highly encouraged as part of the wrap around services offered at Cove Recovery, it is not required.  If one is concerned about being recognized during these virtual group sessions, mostly all of these group sessions are held with other patients from across the state, so the likelihood of being in a group with someone you know is highly improbable. 

At Cove Recovery, our telehealth addiction treatment programs are designed for patients to engage with tailored clinical programs, specialty medical care, and case management services on-demand. New patients and current participants in our programs can see a provider within 24 hours of completing our online screening tool Monday through Friday 8am-5pm.

You’ll be able to engage with medical and clinical providers in a private and stigma-free way. Plus, our programs are covered by insurance. We accept all Ohio insurance plans, including Medicaid and Medicare.

It is important to keep in mind that therapy is subjective. There is no universal answer or one type of therapy for everyone, especially when it comes to addiction treatment. What works for one person’s recovery might look completely different for another person. However, considering the more cautious world we’re living in, virtual therapy may be a very feasible temporary or permanent option for many people seeking recovery.