Does Online Medication Assisted Treatment For Addiction Work?

The “on demand” age is here to stay, and Cove Recovery is excited to offer just that, outpatient addiction treatment services in a completely virtual way. We understand that transportation, time away from work, childcare, and other commitments can prevent patients from accessing effective care. By offering virtual, online wraparound services effectively and efficiently, we can help almost anyone overcome those barriers. But getting around those barriers raises an important question. Does medication assisted treatment (also called “medication for addiction treatment”) actually work when offered online?

At Cove Recovery, we understand that treating a person’s addiction is not something that can be addresses with a one-size-fits-all program. Preventative factors are key elements to success for any addiction treatment program, and Cove Recovery is no exception. Cove Recovery’s wraparound services are all encompassing and integrated to help each person in their recovery. To succeed, a comprehensive network of resources needs to be utilized including medication, clinical therapy, and social services; supportively wrapping these resources around a patient. At Cove Recovery, we offer individually tailored programs, online, that are set up for each patient to succeed at their own pace, choosing what they want their recovery to look like from the comfort of their own home. We work closely with the pharmacy of your choosing to ensure that all medications for addiction treatment that have been prescribed to you virtually through Cove Recovery are available to you at your local, neighborhood pharmacy.

What model of care does Cove Recovery utilize? The bio-psycho-social model (or BPS model), which is short for biological, psychological, and social model, is our proven model that equips our patients for long term success. The first part of the model, or the biological or “bio” part centers on the genetic and inherited components of a person’s drug and or alcohol use, their age of initial use, and effects on the body itself. It also includes sleep, exercise, diet, and overall wellbeing of the physical body. These biological factors are used to assess the appropriate maintenance medication for a person in recovery. BrightView also addresses the biological part of the “BPS model” by educating patients during their medical appointments or their counseling sessions on how to start modifying their lifestyles to be healthier and more active, thus improving their overall physical health.

The second part of the Biopsychosocial model is the is psychological component. To address the psychological part of the treatment model, Cove Recovery offers structured, scheduled, and online counseling sessions, both at the individual and group levels. These sessions are important for learning how to recognize, address, monitor, and control the thoughts, feelings, and emotions that come with addiction. Often, patients who have found themselves deep in their drug or alcohol addiction for quite some time, have significant issues related to trauma, victimization, stress, and PTSD. These are all factors that can contribute to a person’s drug or alcohol use that are unseen but still need to be recognized and addressed. The last part of the model is the social element. This relates to a person’s overall external environment, including their roles in life as a family member (mother, father, sister, brother, daughter, son, etc.) and a member of our society (citizen, employee, etc.).

Addiction is a chronic, relapsing neurological disease, which causes nearly every elements of a person’s life to suffer. Therefore, the social aspect of the bio-psycho-social model is structured to help someone put the pieces of their life back together. This includes important pieces like repairing family relationships or regaining custody of children, helping with judicial or legal issues, and employment, housing, or financial challenges. All these social factors in a person’s life are more than likely to be negatively impacted in active addiction. To help our patients, Cove Recovery assigns a case manager to each each patient. Their mission is to help every patients build a better life.

There are importance factors in all three realms, and successful treatment programs will benefit from taking a biopsychosocial view of the disease of addiction.

Harm reduction is an approach to addressing substance use disorders through prevention, treatment, and recovery, where individuals who use substances set their own goals, which is a core value of our Cove Recovery program. Accessibility to treatment is our number one goal, eliminating all barriers (financial, transportation, scheduling) that might get in one’s way when accessing our program. Cove Recovery allows patients on demand access to addiction specialists, medical professionals, and treatment at the click of a button.